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Discover the historic and exquisite taste of Lapsang Souchong, the world's first black tea, originating from the renowned Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, China. This distinctive tea is celebrated for its unique smoking process, which imparts a captivating pine smoke flavor to the leaves.

Tasting Notes:

  • Aroma: The tea leaves are smoked over pinewood fires, infusing them with a rich, smoky fragrance that is both robust and alluring.
  • Flavor: Enjoy the characteristic pine smoke notes that are perfectly balanced with a subtle sweetness reminiscent of longan fruit, creating a complex and satisfying taste experience.

Key Features:

  • Origin: Wuyi Mountains, Fujian Province, China
  • Appearance: Dark, twisted tea leaves with a smoky sheen
  • Flavor Profile: Rich pine smoke with a hint of fruity sweetness
  • Health Benefits: Contains antioxidants and can aid in relaxation and digestion
  • Brewing Instructions: Steep 2-3 grams of tea in 200ml of hot water (95-100°C) for 3 minutes.

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